Research groups
Research interests
- The aim of my work is to understand how we hear sound and to use this knowledge to create bio-inspired solutions to enhance speech communication.
- I have continuously worked on various aspects of hearing research and technology and have been principal investigator on various research grants (EU, EPSRCS, etc) with a value of more than £2M. I am team leader with an internationally recognised research programme to develop devices that help normal hearing and hearing-impaired people to communicate better in noise. Methodologies include brainstem physiology, neuronal simulations, deep learing, psychophysics, pupil tracking and other physiological measurements.
Research projects
Active projects
Completed projects
Sponsor: EPSRC
C28505/A9111 Dr M Wheater - Bursary - Novel Role for a Unique Domain in CDk4 in Cancer Cell Survival
Sponsor: Cancer Research UK
Sponsor: Google Inc
Sponsor: British Society of Audiology
Sponsor: European Union
Sponsor: Office Of Naval Research