Library Regulations 2024-25

Our Library regulations are part of the University’s regulations. They apply to all of our services and spaces and are intended to ensure that registered users and visitors can enjoy our resources, services and spaces fairly. On joining the Library, you agree to abide by these regulations.

Library users must also observe the regulations and policies relating to the use of computing and network resources and services provided by iSolutions.

1. Admission to the Library

1.1 University staff and students

All current students and staff of the University of Southampton are automatically enrolled as members of the Library and can use the full range of our resources and services. This includes affiliated members of University staff.

1.2 Members of the University Council  

1.3 University of Southampton Alumni can use their alumni ID card to access library spaces and borrow print books.

1.4 Retired members of University staff can access our library spaces and borrow print books.

1.5 Current students and staff of other universities in the UK and Ireland can apply for access to the University of Southampton Library via the SCONUL Access scheme.

1.6 External partners

The following external partners have access to library spaces and services as defined in discrete service level agreements/contracts:

  • 1.6.1 Employees of the University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust
  • 1.6.2 Employees of the National Oceanography Centre

1.7 Members of the public

Anyone who is 16 and over can register for free visitor access to study spaces and to consult printed resources available within our library buildings.

The University is an adult environment and treats all of its students as independent and mature individuals. In line with the Admission Policy for Students Under the Age of 18, registered library users between the ages of 16 and 18 will be treated, as much as possible, in the same way. They are expected to act as adults and to assume an adult level of responsibility during their time in the library. While in the library, they will have access to the same range of printed books and journals that are accessible to students over the age of 18.

Anyone under 16 visiting the Library must be accompanied at all times by an adult who is over 18.

2. Access to Library spaces and services

2.1 Opening hours

  • 2.1.1 Details of the opening hours of all our Library sites are published on the Library website.
  • 2.1.2 We aim to keep all our libraries open to the advertised hours. However, there may be occasions where we need to close a library at short notice. We will inform you of any changes to opening hours as soon as possible through our social media channels and through our Library website. Our Opening Hours page will be kept up-to-date to reflect any unplanned closures or changes in hours.

2.2 ID for Library access and use

  • 2.2.1 All University students and staff must produce valid physical or digital University ID to gain entry to the library.
  • 2.2.2 All visitors wishing to use the library for study must register with us. You will need to provide valid photo ID and proof of current address. 
    • Valid photo ID includes: passport; driving licence; college ID card; bus pass or travel card
    • Proof of address includes: recent utility bill or council tax statement issued within the last 3 months; bank, building society or credit card statement issued in the last 3 months
  • 2.2.3 All Library users must show their ID or visitor pass when asked to do so by a member of Library or Security staff

2.3 Behaviour in our libraries and study areas

  • 2.3.1 We aim to provide safe, healthy and inclusive environments for academic study in the Library and in other buildings across the University of Southampton campuses.
  • 2.3.2 We do not tolerate rude or aggressive behaviour or harassment of Library users or Library staff, whether this is in person or online. If you are subject to, or witness, any unacceptable behaviour, unwanted attention, harassment, discrimination or hate please report it immediately to a member of library staff or security.
  • 2.3.3 If the emergency or fire alarm sounds - or you are asked to leave by a member of staff - you must leave the building immediately.
  • 2.3.4 Respect our Quiet and Silent Study Zones by keeping noise to a minimum in these areas.
  • 2.3.5 Do not take phone calls in Quiet and Silent Study Zones.
  • 2.3.6 Respect the guidance on eating and drinking that applies in the area where you are working or studying and do not bring hot, noisy or smelly food into any study areas.
  • 2.3.7 Keep study areas clean, tidy and free from litter.
  • 2.3.8 Do not smoke or vape in any of our buildings.
  • 2.3.9 Alcohol can only be consumed in our buildings if it is being served as part of an event organised in conjunction with Library staff (e.g. the launch of an exhibition).
  • 2.3.10 No animals can be brought into the library apart from registered assistance dogs.

2.4 Bookable Study Rooms/Pods

The library manages a number of bookable study rooms/pods in buildings across our campuses.

  • 2.4.1 These rooms can be used only by University of Southampton students.
  • 2.4.2 The rooms are to be used only for study purposes.
  • 2.4.3 Room capacities are set for your safety and wellbeing, and we may ask you to leave if your group exceeds the capacity set for the room.

3. Borrowing regulations

3.1 As a borrower, you are responsible for:

  • 3.1.1 all items issued in your name
  • 3.1.2 the safe-keeping of your University ID card or visitor card (you may be charged replacement costs if it is lost or damaged)
  • 3.1.3 ensuring your contact details – address and/or phone number - are correct:
    • Students can update personal details using Banner
    • Staff can update personal details using MyView
    • Other Library Users can email [email protected] or speak to a member of Library staff
  • 3.1.4 taking good care of all library items that you borrow or use
  • 3.1.5 promptly reporting any damage or problems with any of our items, equipment or facilities to library staff
  • 3.1.6 We will ask you to return an item if it is requested by another user. If we do, please return it to us as quickly as you can and no later than the agreed return date.
  • 3.1.7 We do not charge for overdue items but we may block your borrowing rights if you ignore requests to return items or equipment you have borrowed from us.
  • 3.1.8 We may charge for lost or damaged items.
  • 3.1.9 You must return all borrowed items and clear any outstanding charges before you complete your course of study or before your Library membership expires.

3.2 Printed books

  • 3.2.1 All current students and staff of the University of Southampton can borrow printed materials as set out in our Loans and Borrowing Guide.
  • 3.2.2 Employees of the University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust and employees of the National Oceanography Centre can borrow printed materials as set out in our Loans and Borrowing Guide.
  • 3.3.3 Anyone who is 18 and over can pay to register as an External Borrower and borrow up to 10 items at a time from our core printed book collections.
  • Members of the following groups can borrow up to 10 items at a time from our core printed book collections without payment:
    • Alumni of the University
    • Retired members of University staff
    • Hampshire Field Club
    • Hampshire Garden Trust
    • Hampshire Ornithological Society

3.3 Laptops and Other Loanable Equipment

Any current student of the University of Southampton may borrow a laptop from our Libraries and from other laptop loan points across our campuses for use in the UK and in connection with their studies. 

By borrowing a laptop, you agree to the following:

  • 3.3.1 You are responsible for the safety and security of the laptop and any accessories whilst they are on loan to you.
  • 3.3.2 You will use the laptop only to support your studies or university work.
  • 3.3.3 You will return the laptop in a clean, usable condition by the date and time stipulated when borrowed and to the site from which it was borrowed.
  • 3.3.4 You will not download or install any unauthorised third party software onto the laptop.
  • 3.3.5 Your library account may be blocked – or the laptop disabled - if you fail to return the laptop by the due date/time.
  • 3.3.6 If the laptop is lost or damaged while on loan to you, you should inform us as soon as possible.
  • 3.3.7 You may need to pay repair or replacement costs if a laptop is lost or damaged while on loan to you. These are set out on our website - Bills and Payments.
  • 3.3.8 The University is not responsible for any damage to any peripheral equipment or data storage device you connect to the laptop, or for any loss of data caused by software, hardware, battery failure or by computer viruses while the laptop is on loan to you.

3.4 Other loanable equipment

  • 3.4.1 We have a range of equipment, including cameras, lenses, scanners, a 3D printer and a drone, that are available for members of the University to use and, in some cases, borrow for use in the UK in connection with learning, teaching and research.
  • 3.4.2 There are specific requirements in place for some of this equipment which will be made clear to you at the time of loan (e.g. having undertaken training in the correct use of the equipment).
  • 3.4.3 You are responsible for the safety and security of the equipment whilst it is on loan to you.
  • 3.4.4 You must use the equipment only to support your studies or university work.
  • 3.4.5 You must return the equipment in a clean, usable condition by the date and time stipulated when borrowed and to the site from which it was borrowed.
  • 3.4.6 If equipment is lost or damaged while on loan to you, you should inform us as soon as possible.
  • 3.4.7 You may need to pay repair or replacement costs if equipment is lost or damaged while on loan to you.

4. Regulations for the Reading Room for Archives and Rare Books

4.1 If you wish to consult our archives or rare books you must make an appointment in advance.

4.2 On your first visit and in each subsequent calendar year, you will be required to complete a registration form.  University staff and students need to show a valid University ID card: visitors need to provide photo ID and proof of your current address.

4.3 Valid photo ID includes: passport; driving licence; college ID card; bus pass or travel card. Proof of address includes: recent utility bill or council tax statement issued within the last 3 months; bank, building society or credit card statement issued in the last 3 months.

4.4 All visitors are required to complete a formal declaration that they will abide by these regulations and all other regulations covering the use of and reproduction of materials held within Special Collections. By signing the form, you agree to follow the regulations for the use of the material in Special Collections.

4.5 In addition, all visitors are required to sign the visitors' register each time they enter and each time they leave the reading room.

4.6 All work must be done in pencil (not pens), but you are welcome to use a laptop.

4.7 Researchers must do nothing to damage any document. Any damage or accident must be reported at once to a member of Library staff.

4.8 Documents, books and objects may not be removed from the reading room.

4.9 No eating, drinking, smoking or vaping is permitted in the reading room or in the secure Special Collections areas.

4.10 Mobile phones must be switched to silent, and any phone calls taken outside the reading room.

4.11 The number of documents, books or objects issued at any one time to a reader may be limited. Where a reader is allowed a number of items, they must ensure that the items are kept in their proper order. Visitors are required to follow directions given by Library staff for handling items. Fragile material may be withheld.

4.12 No publication right is vested in any reader through the issue of a document, book or object. All publication rights are reserved.

4.13 Separate regulations apply for photocopying, photography, quotation from and publication of material in the collections.

4.14 Copying and photography is done by members of staff.

4.15 Researchers are asked to supply the Library with a copy of any publication resulting from work on the collections.

4.16 The reading room and Special Collections areas are monitored by CCTV at all times.

4.17 Visitors are required to follow the directions of Library staff for the evacuation of the reading room in the event of a fire or other emergency.

5. Regulations for copying, photography, quotation and publication from the archive and rare book collections

5.1 Copies and photographs of many items in the collections can be supplied on request. For curatorial reasons, all copying and photography is done by members of staff except as outlined below.

5.2 Copies and photographs are supplied only for private research and study. if you wish to use them for publication or for commercial research you must obtain prior written agreement from the Library. No more than one copy of each item will be supplied, provided no copy has previously been obtained from another institution.

5.3 No publication right is vested in any researcher through the supply of a copy of a document in any medium. All publication rights are reserved.

5.4 Documents and books will be copied and objects photographed only if no damage to the original will result. For this reason, no scans can be made from bound material, although it may be possible to take photographs of such items.

5.5 No copying can be done without prior notice: once a request is made, an estimate will be supplied and the work will be carried out after payment.

5.6 No private photography of documents and books is permitted. Where there has been prior application and agreement, working photographs of objects may be made. Library staff will supervise the process.

5.7 Some sections of the collections, including recent private correspondence, may not be copied at all. Library staff can advise on this.

5.8 Prior written approval is required for all publications quoting from or reproducing material in the Special Collections. While we take as liberal an approach as possible with this, some of the collections remain private property and the permission of the owners must be sought before publication through Library staff. Copyright clearance is also required in many instances.

5.9 Where publication is concerned, the Library may charge a reproduction fee in addition to the costs of supplying copies. Visitors should note that owners of items in the collections and/or copyright owners may also require payment for licences for reproduction. Library staff can advise on this.

5.10 Commercial tariffs for filming in the reading room are available on request.

Failure to comply with Library Regulations

6.1 Anyone who fails to comply with Library regulations may be removed from and/or refused access to our buildings, study spaces and/or collections.

6.2 Students may be subject to the University's disciplinary procedures - Student Discipline

6.3 Employees of the University may be subject to the Disciplinary Procedure overseen by Human Resources - Employee Disciplinary Procedures