Courses / Modules / ARTD3077 Graphic Arts Professional and Critical Contexts

Graphic Arts Professional and Critical Contexts

When you'll study it
Semester 1
CATS points
ECTS points
Level 6
Module lead
Daniel Hobson
Academic year

Module overview

This module focusses on employability and will allow you to research key industry practitioners, their ways of working and offer the opportunity to analyse and define an area of the creative industry which you feel will become relatable to your future career pathway. It will offer the opportunity to engage with key concepts and skills around employability with your chosen area within your programme. The first semester of the final year is a critical juncture for thinking and planning your future career as you are about to undertake your final project on the programme. This module will enhance your ability to position yourself with your chosen field of work and equip you with a strategy to aim at employment.