Courses / Modules / NPMS3045 Evidence Based Midwifery Practice

Evidence Based Midwifery Practice

When you'll study it
CATS points
ECTS points
Level 6
Module lead
Lesley Turner
Academic year

Module overview

This module will build on your knowledge and skills from the Research Methods module in year 2. Your project proposal assessment feedback will be used to strengthen your original proposal to submit for further review dependant on whether you have chosen a service evaluation, education project, clinical audit, evidence based project or empirical research study. To ensure time for completion of the project, this module will commence in semester 2 of year two with the assessment in year 3.

You will develop skills in analysis and synthesising the findings from an inquiry in order to inform best practice. You will also develop your skills of critical appraisal and gain knowledge from a wide range of relevant literature. You will apply this to the design, execution, critique/reflection and recommendations in the reporting of the project.

There will be no formal taught sessions as part of the module. You will be supported through a series of supervision seminars and directed and self-directed learning.