Southampton Photonics Impact Scholarship

Three £15,000 scholarships are available to international students planning to study MSc Optical Engineering at the University of Southampton. 


 You are eligible if you:

  • apply for a University of Southampton course before you apply for the scholarship
  • receive a course offer for the MSc Optical Engineering programme 
  • will pay the Overseas fee

Check if you will pay the Overseas fee.

You must not be in receipt of any external sponsorship covering 100% of the tuition fees.

Deadline for applications 

We cannot accept late applications.   

You must submit your application by 7 April 2025 5pm (UK time).  

If your application is successful, you will receive confirmation in an email with an attached letter by 28 April 2025.  

Conditions of getting the scholarship 

How to apply 

Applications can be made by emailing your CV and a motivation statement (500-word limit) to Dr Morten Ibsen ([email protected]).  

The motivation statement should specifically include discussion on: 

  • Why you have chosen to study photonics and optical engineering for your MSc degree, and why you feel you should be a recipient of a Photonics Impact Scholarship. 
  • Where you consider will be the biggest impact from photonics- and optical engineering-based technologies in the future. 
  • What your career aspirations are in the fields of photonics and optical engineering, and how receiving a Photonics Impact Scholarship will help you to achieve these. 

The selection team will assess candidates based on their CV and motivation statement, and additionally, consider their academic track record and other submitted supporting material relative to the opportunity. 


For more information, questions, or help with the Photonics Impact Scholarship and how to apply, please contact MSc Admissions Tutor, Dr Morten Ibsen, on [email protected]