Module overview
Aims and Objectives
Learning Outcomes
Learning Outcomes
Having successfully completed this module you will be able to:
- Group working in a laboratory environment (safety, planning, etc.).
- Understand the capabilities and limitations of the different radiometric and non-radiometric techniques for radionuclide determinations.
- Select appropriate radionuclide techniques for particular research problems.
- Apply a range of key skills at level 4 (e.g. numerical manipulations, develop polished technical presentations, keep good quality laboratory records).
- Understand the principles of research techniques in a variety of environmental radioactivity studies.
- IT, presentational and communication skills.
- Working on multifactorial problems.
- Understand the basics of accuracy, precision and uncertainty in radioactivity data.
- Understand issues relating to the UK nuclear decommissioning programme and the arguments associated with 'nuclear new-build'.
- Work safely in a radiochemical laboratory, write risk assessments, understand the need for QA and QC systems, record radiochemical usage for statutory purposes.
Lectures and practicals will cover:
- Radioactivity: chart of the nuclides, modes of radioactive decay, decay energy diagrams, radioactivity units, decay laws, mass to activity relationship.
- Origin of radionuclides through nucleosynthesis and cosmic processes and of non-primordial radionuclides.
- Nuclear fission and fusion
- Civil and military nuclear cycles (anthropogenic radionuclides)
- Reprocessing of nuclear fuel and nuclear waste disposal strategies.
- The Oklo fossil natural nuclear reactor.
- Natural radiological hazards
- Nuclear accidents, incidents and environmental leaks.
- Radiochemistry for environmental scientists.
- Methods of determination (radiometric, mass spectrometric).
- Radionuclide behaviour in the environment (atmosphere, land and sea), interaction of radionuclides with marine biota).
- Radiocarbon applications (dating and sediment mixing).
- U-series disequilibria and dating (snow, sediment).
- Impulse radiometric dating methods (weapons fallout, Chernobyl).
- Radionuclides as tools in oceanography (case studies).
- Radionuclides as tools in terrestrial environmental studies (case studies).
Learning and Teaching
Teaching and learning methods
Formal lectures: These provide the theoretical basis underlying radioactive and radiochemical processes in environmental studies. Each lecture systematically covers the main concepts and topics by the use of PowerPoint presentations. Where relevant, the course contributor's own research experience is brought into the lecturing sessions via Case Studies. There are normally two specialist outside speakers invited to make contributions.
Demonstrations: These provide examples of modern radiochemical separations using a variety of chromatographic procedures.
Practical classes: These develop skills in manipulating a broad range of data to convert from activity to mass and vice versa, to determine decay adjusted radionuclide inventories, to determine sediment accumulation rates using Pb-210 and Cs-137 methods. Keeping a well-ordered laboratory/exercise book.
Presentations: High quality student presentations (evaluated) at the end of the course contribute to the learning experience.
Field excursions: Visits to nuclear and related establishments (e.g. AWE Aldermaston, JET fusion reactor at Culham and DIAMOND); these allow students to gain an insight into practical applications of radioactivity and decommissioning and work possibilities.
A wide range of support can be provided for those students who have further or specific learning and teaching needs.
Type | Hours |
Teaching | 65 |
Independent Study | 85 |
Total study time | 150 |
Assessment strategy
Open-book test (45%): This 5 hour test takes place in a Computer Cluster area on the last day. It takes the form of 3 main questions, with sub-divisions, that test the knowledge and understanding gained during the course in terms of short written responses and numerical calculations (e.g. sediment dating, radioactive decay, radiation dosimetry in an environmental context). Students have full access to all course material and supporting information during the test. Tests Learning Outcomes 1,2,3,6
Powerpoint presentation (25%): A 30 minute Group PowerPoint Presentation (groups of 3), selected from a range of environmental radioactivity topics, that is presented at the end of the course. Tests Learning Outcomes 1,2,3,5,6
Laboratory workbook (30%): The Laboratory Book used to record all practical work and numerical exercise problems (with inferences) and site visits is assessed at the end of the course. Tests Learning Outcomes 1-6
This is how we’ll formally assess what you have learned in this module.
Method | Percentage contribution |
Presentation | 25% |
Assessment | 75% |
Repeat Information
Repeat type: Internal & External