Module overview
Key Skills module for those students entering semester 2 of the MSc Oceanography, under international Enhanced Progression Agreements.
Aims and Objectives
Learning Outcomes
Learning Outcomes
Having successfully completed this module you will be able to:
- Work effectively individually and as part of a team for field sampling and data collection.
- Deliver a research seminar suitable for a scientific audience
- Structure an academic literature review
- Critically research, evaluate and synthesise the findings of peer-reviewed publications
- Write a well-structured scientific report
- Plan and execute coastal fieldwork
Seminars, tutorials and fieldwork covering the material in this course take place throughout Semester 2. Sessions cover the following areas:
Communication and research skills:
- Academic integrity
- Writing an academic literature review
- Communicating research to wider audiences
- Boat work covering applied coastal oceanography
- Chartwork for coastal boat work planning
- Production of a fieldwork report
Directed study materials covering a range of wider skills are also included.
Learning and Teaching
Teaching and learning methods
Communication and Research Skills:
These sessions provide students with training and experience in evaluating research papers, preparing academic literature reviews, and presenting results to their peers.
Boat work:
Boat work activities are intended to familiarise students with a range of techniques used in coastal oceanography, while also exercising teamworking skills. Students will be able to plan, carry out and report on a field campaign to measure water column structures, sediment characteristics and other parameters to describe and characterise a UK estuary. Students will also receive training in preparing a Risk Assessment for the work; and will gain experience in using Conductivity-Temperature-Depth profilers and water samplers, water filtration for suspended sediment concentration, sediment grabs, plankton net trawls and other appropriate sampling and data collection methods for coastal and estuarine oceanography.
A wide range of support can be provided for those students who have further or specific learning and teaching needs.
Type | Hours |
Tutorial | 16 |
Practical classes and workshops | 20 |
Seminar | 4 |
Guided independent study | 40 |
Completion of assessment task | 70 |
Total study time | 150 |
This is how we’ll formally assess what you have learned in this module.
Method | Percentage contribution |
Literature review | 50% |
Boatwork report | 30% |
Presentation | 20% |
Repeat Information
Repeat type: Internal