Doctor Edward Redhead

Dr Edward Redhead

Associate Professor

Accepting applications from PhD students.

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Research groups

Current research

Spatial Cognition


Examining the relationship between nostalgia and spatial anxiety to facilitate wayfinding. Currently running a series of studies with Prof. Tim Wildschut in Psychology at University of Southampton that manipulate spatial anxiety and nostalgia.


Facilitation of Spatial orientation within a virtual reality. Currently using Oculus Rift and desk top technology to examine how people stay oriented within a computer generated nested environment and whether this will facilitate orientation in the real world.


Cognitive decline in spatial memory in humans and zebra fish in collaboration with Dr Matthew Parker in University of Portsmouth.


Examining relationship between spatial and mathematical ability.  Currently running studies in local schools with Dr Christian Bokhove in Department of Education in University of Southampton to investigate whether simple video games which enhance Mental Rotation can facilitate maths ability.


Role of Neurogenesis in spatial learning in collaboration with Prof. Tim Bussey in University of Western Ontario.


Associative Learning

Implications of attentional processes for configural connectionist networks. Currently running studies examining associative phenomena in the spatial domain such as conditioned inhibition and super conditioning and how what the implications are for how we process spatial arrays.


Animal Cognition and Welfare

Development of operant conditioning techniques to aid care of Zoo animals in collaboration with Dr Anne McBride, School of Psychology, University of Southampton and Ms. Danielle Free, Marwell Zoo, Southampton, and in the training of assistance animals in collaboration with Prof. Lewis Bizo, University of Technology Sydney, Australia


Research projects

Completed projects