Professor Mark Stoyle

Professor Mark Stoyle

Professor of History

Research interests

  • The English Civil War
  • Tudor Rebellions
  • Witchcraft

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Research groups

Research interests

  • The English Civil War
  • Tudor Rebellions
  • Witchcraft

Current research

The English Civil War

As part of my work for the ongoing AHRC-funded 'Conflict, Welfare and Memory' project, I am preparing an edited volume which will include full transcriptions of all of the maimed soldiers' and war widows' petitions from 1642 to circa 1710 which survive for the South West of England.

Tudor Rebellions

I am completing a major monograph on the Western Rising of 1549 - the so-called 'Prayer Book Rebellion'.


I am carrying out research for an article on prosecutions for witchcraft in the city of Exeter after the Restoration. 

Research projects

Completed projects