Professor Francesco Izzo

Professor Francesco Izzo

Professor of Music

Research interests

  • Nineteenth-century Italian opera
  • Giuseppe Verdi
  • Opera buffa

More research

Accepting applications from PhD students.

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Research groups

Research interests

  • Nineteenth-century Italian opera
  • Giuseppe Verdi
  • Opera buffa
  • Textual criticism
  • Critical editions

Current research

My current research projects include articles exploring operatic translations and adaptations.  One essay focuses on the nineteenth-century translations of Ferdinand Herold's opéra comique Zampa into Italian, and another on Islam and the politics of adaptating Giuseppe Verdi's Italian opera I lombardi alla prima crociata for the Parisian stage as Jérusalem.  I am also interested in exploring representations of old age in characters and dramatic themes in nineteenth-century opera. 

Much of my research revolves around critical editions of the works of Giuseppe Verdi.  As general Editor of The Works of Giuseppe Verdi ( I am presently overseeing the preparation of editions of I lombardi alla prima crociataUn ballo in mascheraOtello, as well as vocal chamber music and various sacred and secular compositions from Verdi's early years.  I am also completing the critical edition of Valentín de Zubiaurre's Don Fernando el Emplazado to be published in the Musica Hispana series published by the Instituto Complutense de Ciencias Musicales.

Research projects