Dr Kordo Saeed

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113 publications
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Edward M. Schwartz, Alex C. McLaren, Thomas P. Sculco, Barry Brause, Mathias Bostrom, Stephen L. Kates, Javad Parvizi, Volker Alt, William V Arnold, Alberto Carli, Antonia F. Chen, Hyonmin Choe, Débora C. Coraça-Huber , Michael Cross, Michelle Ghert, Noreen Hickok, Jessica Amber Jennings, Manjari Joshi, Willem-Jan Metsemakers, Mark Ninomiya, Koheh Nishitani, Irvin Oh, Douglas Padgett, Benjamin Ricciardi, Kordo Saeed, Parham Sendi, Bryan Springer, Paul Stoodley & Joseph C. Wenke, 2020, Journal of Orthopaedic Research
Type: article
Kordo Saeed, Juan González del Castillo, Craig Backous, Sabine Drevet, Ricard Ferrer, Gaëtan Gavazzi, Eric Gluck, Jens Ulrik Jensen, Peter Kanizsai, Juan Carlos Ruiz-Rodríguez, Gyula Molnar, Janos Fazakas, Helen Umpleby, Jennifer Townsend & Philipp Schuetz, 2019, International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents, 54(6), 686-696
Type: letterEditorial
D. Mawer, F. Byrne, S. Drake, C. Brown, A. Prescott, B. Warne, R. Bousfield, J. P. Skittrall, I. Ramsay, D. Somasunderam, M. Bevan, J. Coslett, J. Rao, P. Stanley, A. Kennedy, R. Dobson, S. Long, T. Obisanya, T. Esmailji, C. Petridou, K. Saeed, K. Brechany, K. Davis-Blue, H. O'Horan, B. Wake, J. Martin, J. Featherstone, C. Hall, J. Allen, G. Johnson, C. Hornigold, N. Amir, K. Henderson, C. McClements, I. Liew, A. Deshpande, E. Vink, D. Trigg, J. Guilfoyle, M. Scarborough, C. Scarborough, T. H.N. Wong, M. Cooper, C. Hayward, L. Kelly, A. Bradley, C. McCabe, J. Taylor, S. Stone & R. M. West, 2019, Journal of Hospital Infection, 103(2), 200-209
Type: article
Philipp Schuetz, Albertus Beishuizen, Michael Broyles, Ricard Ferrer, Gaetan Gavazzi, Eric Howard Gluck, Juan González Del Castillo, Jens Ulrik Jensen, Peter Laszlo Kanizsai, Andrea Lay Hoon Kwa, Stefan Krueger, Charles Edouard Luyt, Michael Oppert, Mario Plebani, Sergey A. Shlyapnikov, Giulio Toccafondi, Jennifer Townsend, Tobias Welte & Kordo Saeed, 2019, Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine, 57(9), 1308-1318
Type: review
Kordo Saeed, Silvano Esposito, Tiziana Ascione, Matteo Bassetti, Eric Bonnet, Alessia Carnelutti, Monica Chan, David Chien Lye, Nicholas Cortes, Matthew Dryden, Shelanah Fernando, Thomas Gottlieb, Ian Gould, Karolin Hijazi, Simona Madonia, Pasquale Pagliano, Paul S. Pottinger, John Segreti & Anna Maria Spera, 2019, International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents, 54(2), 125-133
Type: review
Kordo Saeed, Darius Cameron Wilson, Frank Bloos, Philipp Schuetz, Yuri Van Der Does, Olle Melander, Pierre Hausfater, Jacopo M. Legramante, Yann Erick Claessens, Deveendra Amin, Mari Rosenqvist, Graham White, Beat Mueller, Maarten Limper, Carlota Clemente Callejo, Antonella Brandi, Marc Alexis Macchi, Nicholas Cortes, Alexander Kutz, Peter Patka, María Cecilia Yañez, Sergio Bernardini, Nathalie Beau, Matthew Dryden, Eric C.M. Van Gorp, Marilena Minieri, Louisa Chan, Pleunie P.M. Rood & Juan Gonzalez Del Castillo, 2019, Critical Care, 23(1), 1-2
Type: letterEditorial
Edward M. Schwarz, Javad Parvizi, Thorsten Gehrke, Amiethab Aiyer, Andrew Battenberg, Scot A. Brown, John J. Callaghan, Mustafa Citak, Kenneth Egol, Grant E. Garrigues, Michelle Ghert, Karan Goswami, Andrew Green, Sommer Hammound, Stephen L. Kates, Alex C. McLaren, Michael A. Mont, Surena Namdari, William T. Obremskey, Robert O'Toole, Steven Raikin, Camilo Restrepo, Benjamin Ricciardi, Kordo Saeed, Joaquin Sanchez-Sotelo, Noam Shohat, Timothy Tan, Caroline P. Thirukumaran & Brian Winters, 2019, Journal of Orthopaedic Research, 37(5), 997-1006
Type: review
Kordo Saeed, Alex C. McLaren, Edward M. Schwarz, Valentin Antoci, William V. Arnold, Antonia F. Chen, Martin Clauss, Jaime Esteban, Vanya Gant, Edward Hendershot, Noreen Hickok, Carlos A. Higuera, Débora C. Coraça-Huber, Hyonmin Choe, Jessica A. Jennings, Manjari Joshi, William T. Li, Philip C. Noble, K. Scott Phillips, Paul S. Pottinger, Camilo Restrepo, Holger Rohde, Thomas P. Schaer, Hao Shen, Mark Smeltzer, Paul Stoodley, Jason C.J. Webb & Eivind Witsø, 2019, Journal of Orthopaedic Research, 37(5), 1007-1017
Type: review