Doctor Sophie Fletcher

Dr Sophie Fletcher

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61 publications
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W. Thijs, richard snooks & Sophie Fletcher, 2016
Type: conference
Sophie Fletcher, Giacomo Sgalla, Dragana Nikolic, Simon Walsh, Stefania Cerri, Mark G. Jones, Nicola Sverzellati, David M Hansell, Anna Barney, Luca Richeldi, S. Fletcher & D. E. Davies, 2016, American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine
Type: letterEditorial
L. Stanley, C. Cobbett, E. Morris, D. Gibson & S.V. Fletcher, 2016
Type: conference
Sophie Fletcher, Mark G. Jones, Katherine Spinks, Giacomo Sgalla, Ben G. Marshall, Rachel Limbrey & Luca Richeldi, 2016, Expert Opinion on Drug Safety, 15(11), 1483-1489
Type: review
Sophie Fletcher, Mark Glynne Jones, Elisabetta Renzoni, Helen Parfrey, Rachel Hoyles, Katherine Spinks, Maria Kokosi, Muhunthan Thillai, Nicola Simler, Toby Maher, Felix Chua, Athol Wells, Luca Richeldi & Lisa Spencer, 2015, Thorax, 70(Suppl. 3), A78
Type: conference
Mark G. Jones, Sophie Fletcher & Luca Richeldi, 2013, Respiration, 86(5), 353-363
Type: article
R. Harrison, P. Preston, C. Bucur & S.V. Fletcher, 2012
Type: conference
S.V. Fletcher, S. Ewles & J.E. Wilkinson, 2012
Type: conference
H. Rupani, H. Artis, R. Agrawala, V. Jones, S. Fletcher & K.M.A. O’Reilly, 2009
Type: conference