Mr Ismail Aydemir

Mr Ismail Aydemir

Research Fellow in Urban Logistics

Research interests

  • Intelligent Transportation and Logistics Systems
  • Sustainable Urban Logistics
  • Shared-Fleet Logistics

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Ismail graduated with an upper-second honour degree in Civil Engineering from Kocaeli University (Turkey) in 2015. After a couple of years working in the private sector as a civil engineer, he worked as a lecturer at Nigde Omer Halisdemir University for 3 years. Then, he started his MSc degree at the University of Southampton and graduated from MSc Transportation Planning and Engineering (Infrastructure) at the end of 2021.

In January 2022, he started his PhD in the Transportation Research Group at Southampton, funded by the Republic of Turkey Ministry of National Education. His research area is smart and sustainable logistics solutions in urban areas. He is currently working in the field of shared-fleet logistics collaboration and multi-modal logistics systems for last-mile delivery.