Doctor Berenike Jung

Dr Berenike Jung

Lecturer in Film

Research interests

  • Global and Transnational cinema, especially of the Global South
  • Politics of memory, ethics, agency and political cinema
  • Documentary film and theory

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Research interests

  • Global and Transnational cinema, especially of the Global South
  • Politics of memory, ethics, agency and political cinema
  • Documentary film and theory
  • Audiovisual aesthetics in postcinematic configurations
  • Decolonising Film Studies and Film Education. 

Current research

My research interests centre around ethical and political questions that arise through audiovisual screens as sites of encounter with /the cinematic representation of violent conflict, trauma, and cultural memory and transitional justice within a transnational paradigm. I am interested in the impact of the decolonising movements on film theory and film education, building on questions arising from my research on Chilean Cinema and the cinemas of the Global South more broadly.

My research revolves around the body in the cinematic representation of violence, trauma, and cultural memory, as well as the body in contemporary digital media formats and their affective aesthetics.

At present, I am exploring the potential of video essays as methodology to investigate the kinaesthetic appeal and intersubjective potential of the various bodies involved in the production of TikTok videos. I am also developing an interdisciplinary framework combining critical approaches of Cultural Studies, Visual, Media or Film Studies and applied quantitative and qualitative data, including biodata research, to explore the impact of TikTok.