Research project

D Thompson - MOTIV


Lead researchers

Professor David Thompson MA PhD CEng FIMechE FIOA FHEA

Professor of Railway Noise and Vibration

Research interests

  • Low noise design in railways
  • Ground vibration and ground-borne noise
  • Aerodynamic noise from high-speed trains
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Collaborating research institutes, centres and groups

Research outputs

Paulius Bucinskas, Evangelos Ntotsios, David Thompson & Lars Vabbersgaard Andersen, 2021, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 491
Type: article
Qiyun Jin, David Thompson, Daniel Lurcock & Evangelos Ntotsios, 2020, Transportation Geotechnics, 23, 1-12
Type: article
Evangelos Ntotsios, David J. Thompson & Mohammed F.M. Hussein, 2019, Transportation Geotechnics, 21
Type: article
David Thompson, Georges Kouroussis & Evangelos Ntotsios, 2019, Vehicle System Dynamics, 57(7), 936-983
Type: review