Research project

EP/G02796X/1 - Microfluidic Electrolytic Cells for Routine Synthesis in the Pharmaceutical Industry - R Brown


Lead researchers

Professor Richard Brown

Professor of Organic Chemistry

Research interests

  • Organic synthesis
  • Total synthesis of natural products
  • Asymmetric synthesis
Connect with Richard
Other researchers

Professor Peter Birkin

Connect with Peter

Collaborating research institutes, centres and groups

Research outputs

Robert Green, Joseph Hill-Cousins, Richard Brown, Derek Pletcher & Stuart Leach, 2013, Electrochimica Acta, 113, 550-556
Type: article
Jekaterina Kuleshova, Joseph T. Hill-Cousins, Peter R. Birkin, Richard C.D. Brown, Derek Pletcher & Toby J. Underwood, 2012, Electrochimica Acta, 69, 197-202
Type: article
Joseph T. Hill-Cousins, Jekaterina Kuleshova, Robert A. Green, Peter R. Birkin, Derek Pletcher, Toby J. Underwood, Stuart G. Leach & Richard C.D. Brown, 2012, ChemSusChem, 5(2), 326-331
Type: article
Jekaterina Kuleshova, Joseph T. Hill-Cousins, Peter R. Birkin, Richard C.D. Brown, Derek Pletcher & Toby J. Underwood, 2011, Electrochimica Acta, 56(11), 4322-4326
Type: article