Research project

G Roberts NIHR RfPB via UHS: Breathing REtraining for Asthma Trial of Home Exercises for Teenagers (BREATHE4T); repurposing, optimisation, acceptability and feasibility


Lead researchers

Professor Graham Roberts

Prof in Paed. Allergy & Resp. Medicine
Connect with Graham
Other researchers

Professor Lucy Yardley OBE

Professorial Fellow-Research
Connect with Lucy

Professor Sue Latter

Professor of Health Services Research

Research interests

  • Medicines management
  • Prescribing
  • End-of-life medicines management
Connect with Sue

Collaborating research institutes, centres and groups

Research outputs

Stephanie Easton, Ben Ainsworth, Mike Thomas, Sue Latter, Rebecca Knibb, Amber Cook, Sam Wilding, Michael Bahrami-Hessari, Erika J. Kennington, Denise Gibson, Hannah Wilkins, Lucy Yardley & Graham Roberts, 2022, Pediatric Pulmonology, 57(11), 2589-2602
Type: article