Research project

G Thomas CRUK SMA expression in predicting oral cancer agression


Lead researchers

Professor Gareth Thomas

Professor of Experimental Pathology

Research interests

  • Fibroblast biology and immunology
  • Tumour microenvironment
  • Cancer Immunotherapy
Connect with Gareth

Research outputs

Christopher J. Hanley, Massimiliano Mellone, Kirsty Ford, Steve M. Thirdborough, Toby Mellows, Steven J. Frampton, David M. Smith, Elena Harden, Cedric Szyndralewiez, Marc Bullock, Fergus Noble, Karwan A. Moutasim, Emma V. King, Pandurangan Vijayanand, Alex H. Mirnezami, Timothy J. Underwood, Christian H. Ottensmeier & Gareth J. Thomas, 2018, JNCI Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 110(1), 109-120
Type: article