Research project

IN2RAIL- H2020 - Pro.William Powrie (Civil) and Pro.David Thompson (ISVR)


Lead researchers

Professor William Powrie

Professor of Geotechnical Engineering

Research interests

  • Railway track and trackbed behaviour and performance
  • Geotechnical transportation infrastructure (earthworks, retaining walls, tunnels)
  • Groundwater and groundwater control
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Other researchers

Professor David Thompson MA PhD CEng FIMechE FIOA FHEA

Professor of Railway Noise and Vibration

Research interests

  • Low noise design in railways
  • Ground vibration and ground-borne noise
  • Aerodynamic noise from high-speed trains
Connect with David

Collaborating research institutes, centres and groups

Research outputs

P.T. Torstensson, G. Squicciarini, M. Krüger, B.A. Palsson, J.C.O. Nielsen & D.J. Thompson, 2019, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 456, 119-136
Type: article