Research project

Planning For Frailty: Optimal Health And Social Care Workforce Organisation Using Demand-led Simulation Modelling (FLOWS)


Lead researchers

Professor Bronagh Walsh


Research interests

  • Patterns of health service use in older people
  • Avoidable admissions in older people
  • Influence of frailty on health service use
Connect with Bronagh
Other researchers

Professor Sally Brailsford

Professor of Management Science

Research interests

  • Healthcare modelling
  • Hybrid simulation
  • Behavioural Operational Research
Connect with Sally

Professor Peter Griffiths

Chair in Health Services Research

Research interests

  • Health workforce
  • Epidemiology
  • Nursing
Connect with Peter

Dr Carole Fogg

Senior Research Fellow

Research interests

  • Use of health and social care ‘big data’ to characterise older people’s service use and outcomes, especially for people living with frailty or dementia.
  • Development and assessment of interventions to improve care and quality of life for older adults.
  • Methodological expertise: epidemiology, clinical trials of medicines and devices, feasibility studies, patient and public involvement and engagement with health services research.
Connect with Carole

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