Research project

Improving dairy cattle welfare: promoting uptake of veterinary advice

  • Lead researchers:
  • Research funder:
    Animal Welfare Foundation
  • Status:
    Not active

Project overview

Encouraging farmers to improve animal husbandry and adopt veterinary advice remains a critical challenge for animal welfare improvement. Advisors who can understand the farming context, compellingly communicate ideas, and engage farmers with beneficial practices are essential. Similar challenges are faced by the medical profession who are increasingly employing a technique called Motivational Interviewing (MI), an evidence-based framework for promoting lifestyle changes to improve public health and community welfare.

This research considers the applicability of MI to the veterinary profession, defining and evaluating possible methods for increasing the uptake of advisory recommendations.

This research is funded by the Animal Welfare Foundation British Veterinary Association. The research is with Kristen Reyher (PI), David Main (Co-I), Beckky Whay (Co-I), Anne Haas (Co-I). The research is being carried out by Alison Bard.


Lead researchers

Professor Emma Roe

Professor of More-Than-Human Geographies
Connect with Emma

Research outputs

Alison Bard, David Main, Emma Roe, Anne Haas, Helen R. Whay & Kristen K. Reyher, 2019, Journal of Dairy Science
Type: article
Alison Bard, David Main, Anne Haase, Helen R Whay, Emma Roe & Kristen K. Reyher, 2017, PLoS ONE, 12(3)
Type: article