Current research degree projects
Explore our current postgraduate research degree and PhD opportunities.
Explore our current postgraduate research degree and PhD opportunities.
Envisioning flood and coastal erosion risk management (FCERM) in a well-adapted nation is imperative, as flooding intensity and frequency increase alongside other climate hazards. Flooding impacts disproportionately affect marginalised communities, due to pressures such as precarious housing, and a lack of disposable capital and trust in authorities.
Coastal flooding hazard will be increasing over the next century driven by unavoidable sea level rise and other climate change impacts. Since we cannot eliminate the risk of all marine hazards on coastal communities, many coastal management strategies are shifting towards adaptive solutions.
Coastal flooding is one of the most dangerous and costly natural hazards that humanity faces globally and yet it will become even more frequent and challenging to manage because of climate change and other factors. In densely populated estuarine settings, a storm surge barrier is often an attractive and economical solution for flood protection.
Flood models are essential for helping to manage and mitigate the annual £2.2B cost of flooding to the UK. However, one of the big uncertainties that remains in these models is how complex floodplains are characterised under a range of real-world conditions. This project will use new technologies in flow monitoring to meet this challenge. Specifically, Computer Vision Stream Gauging (CVSG) offers a way off characterizing complex flows over floodplains.
Gravel barrier shorelines offer widespread, critically important natural flood protection to many coastal communities. Their management, creation and enhancement are increasingly seen as sustainable, while providing nature-based adaptation options that boost natural capital. But these assets must be well managed to ensure they continue serving such functions in the face of increased risk of coastal erosion and flooding.
The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) plays a critical role in decadal climate variability with impacts on sea level, regional weather patterns, and thus flooding, which poses a significant hazard to coastal infrastructure, including the UK’s Nuclear Power Plants. The overall goal of this project is to address fundamental questions about the causes and consequences of flooding around the UK’s coastlines over the next 100 years.
The magnitude of future warming will depend upon the strength of carbon cycle feedback mechanisms. However, there are carbon cycle feedbacks that we still know little about. This PhD project will test whether CO2 release from sedimentary rocks is a missing carbon cycle feedback in past and future warm climates.
Continental breakup can generate huge volumes of magmatism that are generally attributed to the influence of mantle plumes. The project will use new seismic data from the continental margin of Brazil to investigate variations in magmatism along this margin that appear to contradict current understanding of how plumes work.
Life in the ocean is sustained by nitrogen fixation, a microbial process supplying bioavailable nitrogen. This project will explore biological controls on nitrogen fixation in the Indian Ocean, bridging cell to ocean scale nitrogen fluxes in the least explored basin in the world’s oceans.
Long-term environmental monitoring of changes to the seabed is rare but important, particularly as climate change accelerates. Seabed photography makes it possible, but inconsistency in application reduces comparability. This project will assess climate-related ecological change in benthic fauna and develop the consistency in seabed photography key to future marine monitoring.