Emeritus Professor Stevan Harnad

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351 publications
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Stevan Harnad, 2025, Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence, 7
Type: article
Fernanda Pérez-Gay, Christian Thériault, Madeline Gregory, Hisham Sabri, Dan Rivas & Stevan Harnad, 2018, International Journal of Comparative Psychology, 31
Type: letterEditorial
Fernanda Perez-Gay, Thèriault Christian, Madeline Gregory, Hisham Sabri, Stevan Harnad & Daniel Rivas, 2017, International Journal of Comparative Psychology, 30
Type: article
Stevan Harnad, 2016, Animal Justice UK, 2
Type: article
Philippe Vincent-Lamarre, Jade Boivin, Yassine Gargouri, Vincent Larivière & Stevan Harnad, 2016, Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology (JASIST), 67(11), 2815-2828
Type: article
Philippe Vincent-Lamarre, Alexandre Blondin Massé, Marcos Lopes, Mélanie Lord, Odile Marcotte & Stevan Harnad, 2016, TopiCS in Cognitive Science, 8(3), 625-659
Type: article
Stevan Harnad, 2016, CEON Otwarta Nauka (Open Science)
Type: article
Stevan Harnad, 2015, The Serials Librarian: From the Printed Page to the Digital Age, 1-9
Type: article
Alma Swan, Yassine Gargouri, Megan Hunt & Stevan Harnad, 2015, Pasteur4OA Work Package 3 report: Open Access policies
Type: article
Marc Bekoff & Stevan Harnad, 2015, Psychology Today Blog
Type: article