Research Research interests Academic listening comprehension Legitimation Code Theory (Semantics) L2 listening comprehension Publications 5 publications Page 1 of 1 An analysis of teachers’ questioning and feedback in an ESL class Xiaowei Zhou, 2024, Open Journal of Modern Linguistics , 14(3), 483-495 DOI: 10.4236/ojml.2024.143025 Type: article Evaluation of side by side from a grammatical perspective Xiaowei Zhou, 2024, Open Journal of Modern Linguistics , 14(3), 383-400 DOI: 10.4236/ojml.2024.143021 Type: article How can the Hayes and Flower’s (1980) model of the composition be applied to the second language writers? —Based on an analysis of the characteristics of the model Xiaowei Zhou, 2023, Open Journal of Modern Linguistics DOI: 10.4236/ojml.2023.133025 Type: article Teaching activities for English writing: based on a process genre Xiaowei Zhou, 2023, English Language Teaching and Linguistics Studies, 5(2) DOI: 10.22158/eltls.v5n2p208 Type: article A study on the use of listening strategies and listening barriers of Chinese training institution learners Xiaowei Zhou, 2023, English Language Teaching and Linguistics Studies, 5(2), 129-150 DOI: 10.22158/eltls.v5n2p129 Type: article External roles and responsibilities Name: International Soceity for Development & Sustainability (ISDS) Role: Participant Year: 2023 - Biography Prizes Brumfit Postgraduate Research Award (2023) (2023) Research fund from Faculty of Arts and Humanities (2023) Brumfit Postgraduate Research Award (2023) (2023) Research fund from Faculty of Arts and Humanities (2023)