Doctor Yueyue Si

Dr Yueyue Si

Research Fellow

Research interests

  • Biogeochemistry
  • Microbial Nitrogen Cycling
  • Natural Sinks for Climate Gas Nitrous Oxide

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Yueyue Si is a Research Fellow in the Marine Biogeochemistry group, School of Ocean and Earth Sciences. She uses stable isotopes and geochemical measurements to explore microbial nitrogen cycling in the subsurface serpentinizing system of the Samail Ophiolite in Oman. Yueyue aims to characterise the sources of nitrogen, understand how they transform, and how they support organisms in a likely candidate environment for the emergence of early life on Earth.

Yueyue is also interested in natural sinks for the atmospherically potent gas nitrous oxide (N2O) and has worked on biological N2O fixation in freshwater environments, exploring its relationship with canonical N2 fixation, as well as the temperature dependencies of the two N fixation processes.