Mr Thomas Dekeyser

Mr Thomas Dekeyser

Lecturer in Human Geography

Research interests

  • Digital GeographiesAI & Deep LearningPolitics of RefusalGeographies of NegativityNegative affectsGeographical TheoryCreative Methods & Film Methods

More research

Accepting applications from PhD students.

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Research groups

Research interests

  • Digital GeographiesAI & Deep LearningPolitics of RefusalGeographies of NegativityNegative affectsGeographical TheoryCreative Methods & Film Methods

Current research

My current research investigates refusal in the face of the deepening saturation of Artificial Intelligences technologies into everyday life, what I refer to as 'AI-Pessimism'.

My most recent publications are:

Dekeyser, T. & Lynch, C. (2024) Control and Resistance in Automated Shops: Retail Transparency, Deep Learning, and Digital Refusal. Antipode. 

Dekeyser, T., Zhang, V. and Bissell, D. (2023) What should we do with bad feelings? Negative affects, impotential responses. Progress in Human Geography. 

Dekeyser, T. (2023) Rethinking Posthumanist Subjectivity: Technology as Ontological Murder in European Colonialism. Theory, Culture & Society.