Research project

CLOSED Sylke Schnepf British Academy The impact of transition on gender differences in subjective well-being in post-communist countries


Other researchers

Professor Silke Roth

Professor of Sociology
Research interests
  • activism and volunteering
  • humanitarianism 
  • political participation
Connect with Silke

Research outputs

Brice Calkins, Paolo Mennea, Adriana E. Lita, Benjamin J. Metcalf, W.Steven Kolthammer, Antia Lamas-Linares, Justin B. Spring, Peter C. Humphreys, Richard P. Mirin, James C. Gates, Peter G.R. Smith, Ian A. Walmsley, Thomas Gerrits & Sae Woo Nam, 2013, Optics Express, 21(19), 22657-22670
Type: article