Postgraduate research project

Tantalum pentoxide resonators for single photon generation and microcombs

Fully funded (UK and international)
Type of degree
Doctor of Philosophy
Entry requirements
2:1 honours degree View full entry requirements
Faculty graduate school
Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences
Closing date

About the project

The University of Southampton is expanding its PhD research in the area of Quantum Technology Engineering. In addition to the research project outlined below you will receive substantial training in scientific, technical, and commercial skills.

In this project we will investigate integrated optics to generate frequency combs, and single photon sources. Both of these devices are fundamental components in Quantum technology. Frequency combs are specialized lasers that produce a spectrum of equally spaced and precise spectral lines. The Physics Nobel Prize in 2004 was given on the invention of frequency combs. Frequency comb systems are important for many applications, such as timekeeping, spectroscopy, metrology, communication. Single photon sources are devices that can produce light with only one photon at a time. They are useful for quantum information applications, such as, quantum cryptography, quantum metrology, quantum computation.
With our technology we can make an impact on both of these technologies. We aim to realise optical frequency micro-combs and single photon emitters based on efficient nonlinear optical waveguide micro-resonators that exhibit the Kerr effect. We will use a silicon photonics platform with a tantalum pentoxide waveguide system for the development of micro-resonators that can support soliton formation at excitation wavelengths between 1 μm and 1.5 μm to achieve single photon emission through four wave mixing and Kerr combs. Single photon sources and Kerr combs are useful tools in Quantum computing and cryptography and we will pave the way towards integration of devices with laser sources.