Archaeology at Southampton spans both arts and sciences, taking a vibrant and interdisciplinary approach to the study of the past through its material remains. We pride ourselves on our international reputation for research and education, as well as our people-centred and friendly approach.
People, both past and present, are at the heart of our activities. We combine archaeological and anthropological approaches to develop an understanding of humanity and its relationship with the material world. Our internationally leading projects, across the UK and in diverse regions of the world, explore the human condition. We collaborate with our research partners in local communities and in globally important institutions
We have custom-built facilities. We also benefit from in-house and wider University laboratories, equipment and collections. These support our teaching and research in areas including:
maritime archaeology
human origins
cultural heritage management
cultural anthropology
archaeological geophysics
artefact studies
Our research engages with diverse and important global challenges that matter to our staff and students. Archaeology and anthropology offer key insights into:
climate change and sustainability
emerging technologies such as AI
equality and diversity
Crannog above water. Credit: B Mackintosh
Research expertise
We have a sustained international reputation for theoretical, methodological and interpretive research within archaeology. Our staff have undertaken research on 6 continents, drawing on evidence from the Lower Palaeolithic to the recent past. Our research integrates scientific and cultural fields to produce sophisticated knowledge about the human past.
We have specialist expertise in the following clusters:
social anthropology and ethnography
human origins or palaeoanthropology
later prehistory, including Neolithic, Bronze Age and Iron Age
historical archaeology, including Classical and Medieval
reception studies and heritage
maritime archaeology
molecular archaeology
biological anthropology
bioarchaeology and osteoarchaeology
We frequently collaborate with other disciplines to develop innovative approaches to the past. Many of our staff are active in the field in the UK and internationally. Current research considers:
human origins in southern Africa
human global colonisation
Neanderthals and early modern humans in western Eurasia
submerged landscapes
deep-water shipwrecks
coastal and island archaeology
prehistoric monumentality
urban centres and imperial networks
human health
disabilities and life-ways
isotopic and biomechanical analyses of past mobility
indigenous heritage voices
the representation of the past
the importance of heritage for wellbeing
Departmental culture
Within an ethical and supportive environment, we work hard to ensure the development of future research leaders within archaeology and anthropology. Staff and students in our department work together to generate new knowledge. We do this through original research and through fieldwork and projects. We collaborate within our research centres and clusters.
Our students develop through direct engagement with research-led teaching. Specialist laboratories, experimental facilities and new field-leading digital imaging and geophysical equipment are available to both staff and students. The department contains key international bioarchaeological, lithic and ceramic collections. We have also pioneered digital recording and analytical techniques in the study of past material culture.
Our staff are committed to knowledge exchange and public engagement. We incorporate both into our teaching and fieldwork training.
We also have links with national and international institutions, including:
the National Trust
Historic England
the NHS
local government
Equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI)
Our department is committed to the creation of a sustainable work environment for staff and students that is positive, supportive and equitable. This atmosphere is at the heart of what we do.
We maintain our staff-student relationships by:
regular Student Staff Liaison Committees
Faculty EDI networks
our commitment to the University Equality and Diversity policy
UK Athena SWAN principles
As an inherently practical subject we take accessibility seriously. In addition to our own Code of Conduct for Fieldwork, we work with the University to make life in and outside the department fair and enjoyable for all.
The often difficult and contested pasts of archaeology and anthropology as disciplines are something we’re keen to engage critically with through our teaching as well as our research. We encourage our students to play an active part in this through:
wider discussions and engagement
These conversations are strongest when they include and represent diverse groups of people. We continue to work towards this both as a department and more widely as a discipline.
Research centres and groups bring together specialists to share knowledge and solve problems. Archaeology staff also lead within University research institutes. Explore our projects and publications in more depth.
Archaeology blows apart our contemporary expectations, viewpoints and prejudices – the world of the past is never as straightforward as grand narratives would have us believe.
Anthropology, with its emphasis on long-term ethnographic fieldwork, allows us to delve into the fullest complexity of human societies and beyond, enabling a holistic understanding and exploration of the diverse ways in which people live.
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