Research institute

Southampton Institute for Arts and Humanities

A colourful checkerboard of shipping containers viewed from a great height

SIAH places culture at the heart of world-changing research. We work across subjects to support socially engaged, creative and critical work.

SIAH uses the critical and creative resources of the arts and humanities to respond to contemporary challenges. We connect with networks across the arts, heritage and cultural sectors to inform areas such as health, environment and technology in meaningful ways.

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SIAH has been an amazing opportunity to showcase and support the importance of arts and humanities led-research. By collaborating with colleagues from across the University we've been able to put culture, people and language at the heart of what Southampton does.
Director of Southampton Institute for Arts and Humanities
SIAH supports an amazing range of networking opportunities, training events, and research projects. Helping small ideas become substantial realities is one of the great things about working for the Institute.
Associate Professor

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