PhD Defence and Security Mobility 2024-25

Academic Regulations: Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences

SchoolSchool of Engineering
Final AwardDoctor of Philosophy 
Doctor of Engineering 
With exit awards of: 
Master of Philosophy
Programme(s)PhD in Defence and Security Mobility (closed to applications) 
Last modifiedApril 2024

The Academic Regulations apply to and regulate the programme(s) listed above.  

On occasion, programmes can be exempted from one or more of the clauses in the Regulations; one or more of the clauses can be varied; and programmes can impose additional requirements.

  • Exemptions are characterised by the omission of the relevant clause.
  • Variations are characterised by the replacement of the clause with alternative wording.
  • Additions are characterised by requirements in addition to those detailed in the Academic regulations.

The programmes listed have approval from the Academic Quality and Standards Subcommittee for the exemptions and/or variations and/or additions to the regulations noted below.


The clause(s) listed below describe where an exemption to the Regulations exists.

None apply.


The clause(s) listed below describe where a variation to the Regulations exists:

Existing University Regulation 

Regulations Governing Special Considerations and Pause in Study for Postgraduate Research Students 

Approved Variation
2. Section A: The Policy

What circumstances are covered within these regulations? 
Special consideration for extenuating circumstances

Whilst the University recognises that difficulties impact on individuals in different ways, a non-exhaustive list of the situations that generally meet the definition of extenuating circumstances is set out below: 

  • bereavement – death of a close relative/friend/significant other that, in an employment context, would lead to an absence in accordance with compassionate leave; 
  • serious short-term illness / accident / hospitalisation that, in an employment context, would have led to a period of (un)certified sickness absence; 
  • deterioration or fluctuation of a disability or long-term/recurrent health condition; 
  • significant adverse personal/family circumstances; 
  • employment commitments that could not reasonably have been foreseen;
  • financial issues that could not reasonably have been foreseen;
  • other significant exceptional factors where there are other exceptional factors which have caused significant stress (e.g. victim of a crime). 

Whilst the University recognises that difficulties impact on individuals in different ways, a non-exhaustive list of the situations that generally meet the definition of extenuating circumstances is set out below:

  • bereavement – death of a close relative/friend/significant other that, in an employment context, would lead to an absence in accordance with compassionate leave;
  • serious short-term illness / accident / hospitalisation that, in an employment context, would have led to a period of (un)certified sickness absence;
  • deterioration or fluctuation of a disability or long-term/recurrent health condition;
  • significant adverse personal/family circumstances;
  • employment commitments that could not reasonably have been foreseen;
  • military or security deployment;
  • financial issues that could not reasonably have been foreseen;
  • other significant exceptional factors where there are other exceptional factors which have caused significant stress (e.g. victim of a crime).

2. Section A: The Policy

What circumstances are covered within these regulations?
Pause in study that is unrelated to extenuating circumstances


A non-exhaustive list of the situations that would generally require a pause in study is set out below:

  • attendance at a fixed-term work placement that supports the research degree;
  • parental leave;
  • employment commitments (where an employer requires more time than usual to be dedicated to employment).  This should be for a short and limited period of time only.
  • other significant exceptional factors where there are other exceptional factors which have caused significant stress (e.g. victim of a crime).

A non-exhaustive list of the situations that would generally require a pause in study is set out below:

  • attendance at a fixed-term work placement that supports the research degree;
  • parental leave;
  • employment commitments (where an employer requires more time than usual to be dedicated to employment).  This should be for a short and limited period of time only;
  • military or security deployment;
  • other significant exceptional factors where there are other exceptional factors which have caused significant stress (e.g. victim of a crime). 

Additional Requirements

The clause(s) listed below are in addition to the Regulations.

None apply

These regulations should be read in conjunction with the Doctoral Programme Profile. 


As a research-led University, we undertake a continuous review of our programmes to ensure quality enhancement and to manage our resources. As a result, these regulations may be revised during a student’s period of registration, however, any revision will be balanced against the requirement that the student should receive the educational service expected. Please read our Disclaimer to see why, when and how changes may be made to a student’s programme.