Courses / Modules / ARCH2027 Bones, bodies and burials: osteology and comparative anatomy

Bones, bodies and burials: osteology and comparative anatomy

When you'll study it
Semester 1
CATS points
ECTS points
Level 5
Module lead
Jacobo Weinstock
Academic year

Module overview

This module examines the variation within the mammalian skeleton from an evolutionary and functional perspective. Additionally, it gives an overview of the main methodological and theoretical issues in the retrieval, treatment and interpretation of bone finds from archaeological sites and the relationship between humans and other animals. The module looks at patterns in bodily treatment and disposal, and the use and management of animal populations. It integrates practical study of human and animal bones with discussions of disease, diet, burial context, age and sex. It uses both practical sessions and lectures to develop your knowledge of mammal skeletons, and then project work to extend analyses into interpreting archaeological assemblages of bodies and bones.