Courses / Modules / ARCH2042 Introduction to Scientific Diving

Introduction to Scientific Diving

When you'll study it
Semester 2
CATS points
ECTS points
Level 5
Module lead
Fraser Sturt
Academic year

Module overview

This fifteen credit module will introduce you to the theoretical, logistic, technical and legislative issues that have to be addressed if the theory and practice of archaeology are to be successfully applied in the investigation of sites underwater - these techniques are relevant to any form of scientific diving. Case studies will be used to demonstrate the logistical aspects of excavation strategy, as well as the equipment and techniques necessary for search, survey, excavation, sampling and recording underwater. The course includes introductory practical sessions on diving. Non-divers can participate on an equal footing to divers through the main, assessed activities, related to planning of diving projects and an understanding of the theoretical application of diving skills and current HSE regulations as applied to maritime archaeology. This module is designed to underpin practical training and fieldwork, thereby complementing the more thematic approach explored in the first semester module Maritime Archaeology. Assessment involves designing a diving project, which will be presented as a group, and a two-part exam on the theoretical aspects of diving and underwater archaeology.

Practical components will allow hands on development of skills act as supplementary and will take place in pool sessions for a total of approximately 18 hours as well as a weekend of sheltered open water dives to complete the BSAC Ocean Diver diving qualification for those who wish to do so. No pre-existing diving qualification is required for this module.

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