Courses / Modules / ARCH6412 Professional Practice

Professional Practice

When you'll study it
Semester 1
CATS points
ECTS points
Level 7
Module lead
Kristian Strutt
Academic year

Module overview

This module is designed to equip students with the essential core skills to engage with higher-level archaeological practice within the UK and overseas. By this, we refer to activities beyond routine fieldwork procedures such as survey and excavation. The module provides a skills base for individuals to undertake the management of archaeological projects, from their initial design through to post-excavation analysis and publication. It provides instruction on how published, grey literature and other forms of data (e.g. from Historic Environment Records) can be effectively gathered, assessed and assimilated to provide information packets for Heritage Impact Statements, desktop assessments and research reports. Coverage is given to work with archives and legacy data (e.g. old excavation archives); the preparation of reports for publication, including editing, proof reading and management of graphic content; and academic writing, with a particular focus on preparation of archaeological texts for publication. Overall, the module provides a base essential for anyone wishing to develop a senior role within the heritage and commercial archaeological sector, or academic archaeology.