Courses / Modules / BIOL6078 Structure and Function of the Nervous System

Structure and Function of the Nervous System

When you'll study it
Semester 1
CATS points
ECTS points
Level 7
Module lead
Melissa Andrews
Academic year

Module overview

This module will provide a detailed understanding of the structure and function of the nervous system. Starting with nervous system development and then focusing on the adult nervous system, students will learn about the gross anatomy of the human brain and spinal cord and its constituent systems including autonomic, sensory, visual, auditory, somatosensory, olfactory and limbic systems. Lectures will also be given about the vasculature, ventricles and CSF. Lectures will be supplemented by hands-on neuroanatomy practicals which will be conducted in the purpose-built dissection labs in the Faculty of Medicine, in addition to supplementary small group tutorials to reinforce the lecture material.

Linked modules

Pre-requisites: (BIOL2051 OR BIOL2052) AND (BIOL3020 OR BIOL3021 OR BIOL3025 OR BIOL3048)