Courses / Modules / BIOM2008 Biomechatronics


When you'll study it
Semester 2
CATS points
ECTS points
Level 5
Module lead
Ernesto Vidal Rosas
Academic year

Module overview

The module aims to provide an integrated understanding of the representation and analysis of dynamical systems (electrical and mechanical), their solution and practical implementation in diagnosis and health monitoring for biomedical engineering problems and applications.

The module integrates three components related to the analysis of (1) mechanical system, (2) electrical machines, and (3) power drives, and each component has specific aims:

1.To provide a detailed understanding of mechanical systems, vibration analysis using frequency response and energy approximations methods, which is further extended into continuous mechanical problems.

2.To introduce the students to fundamental concepts and principles of operation of types of electrical machines and provide basic experimental and modelling skills associated with electrical machines.

3.To provide a detailed understanding of all aspects of the selection, sizing and operation of modern electrical drive systems; this will be achieved by consideration of the individual sub-system including power semiconductors, electronic power converters and associated electric motors, mechanical power transmission, speed and velocity transducers, and controllers.