Courses / Modules / ELEC3200 Industrial Studies

Industrial Studies

When you'll study it
Whole Academic Year
CATS points
ECTS points
Level 6
Module lead
Ruomeng Huang
Academic year

Module overview

This Industrial Studies module is part of our MEng and MComp programmes with “Industrial Studies” in the title. It allows students to go on to a 1 year placement in industry after finishing Part 3 of their programme. It is a great way to give our students a competitive edge among graduate recruiters by showing they can relate their academic skills and knowledge to contemporary industrial practice. It can help them to connect with future employers, add value to their CV or launch their career in a new-found direction, as well enabling them to develop business and team-working skills in their chosen industry.

To be eligible for the one year placement, students are required to meet specified progression criteria. We require students to reach a Part 3 average mark of no less than 58%. They are also required to meet the criteria at the first time of asking. We would anticipate that the majority of our placement students would achieve at a significantly higher level than this criteria.

Overall, this module helps improve students' appreciation of their degree programme and make them more attractive to future employers. On top of this, they get to earn a salary to pay back some of their tuition fees.