Courses / Modules / ENGL6139 Jane Austen and the Heritage Industry

Jane Austen and the Heritage Industry

When you'll study it
Semester 2
CATS points
ECTS points
Level 7
Module lead
Gillian Dow
Academic year

Module overview

Jane Austen’s novels and life have been adapted, remixed, and translated into an ever-growing body of films, television series, books, graphic novels, YouTube channels, and even video games—a thriving media industry. She also continues to play an important role in the life of several heritage sites in Hampshire, England. This module will introduce you to the creative industries that have grown up around Jane Austen and her work. It will include critical, practical and creative elements, combining traditional seminar discussion with guest lectures and workshops. Sessions led by experts from the English department will enable you to explore Jane Austen’s afterlives in the media, thinking about issues of adaptation, translation and corporate branding. This module will give you practical insight into key aspects of working in the heritage sector, from conservation and curating for the general public, to engagement with Digital Humanities tools.