Courses / Modules / ENGL6144 Approaches to Critical and Creative Concepts

Approaches to Critical and Creative Concepts

When you'll study it
Whole Academic Year
CATS points
ECTS points
Level 7
Module lead
Lian Patston
Academic year

Module overview

This core module for the MA Global Literary Industries Management introduces the critical vocabularies for understanding the literary and cultural industries. It introduces the key conceptual and creative ideas that underpin literary arts management. It explores the changing meanings of authorship, ownership, originality and intertextuality. It evaluates why the genre and forms of writing matter and looks at how the distinctions between canonical, popular and experimental texts have been developed and maintained. It also examines questions of reading, cultural consumption and reception. It asks why, how,and where people read and what meanings they give to reading. Finally, it provides you with a vocabulary for writing, researching and talking about the institutions and markets of cultural institutions, as we look at the role that pedagogies, publishers and prizes play in the literary industry.