Courses / Modules / FEEG6011 Architectural and Building Acoustics

Architectural and Building Acoustics

When you'll study it
Semester 2
CATS points
ECTS points
Level 7
Module lead
Filippo Fazi
Academic year

Module overview

The transmission of sound within buildings plays a vital role in architectural design that should be taken account of at an early stage. The module covers two main areas: (i) building acoustics, that is the effects of the materials and overall design of buildings on the transmission of sound within the building and the acoustic suitability of the rooms for their purpose; (ii) auditorium design, that is the specific acoustic design of large rooms intended for concerts, theatre or as lecture rooms. These two areas have some commonality, particularly the reverberance, but also some aspects that are more important in one area than the other. The module has been designed in collaboration with industry leaders Arup and provides hands-on experience of advanced measurement and prediction methods.