Module overview
This module offers an introduction to the scientific principles and methods of electricity and electronics.
Aims and Objectives
Learning Outcomes
Transferable and Generic Skills
Having successfully completed this module you will be able to:
- Apply problem solving techniques to familiar and unfamiliar problems
- Apply mathematical methods to solve problems
- Manage your own learning
Subject Specific Intellectual and Research Skills
Having successfully completed this module you will be able to:
- Analyse and predict the behaviour of simple logic circuits and electronic devices
- Solve simple problems in basic electrical circuit theory
Knowledge and Understanding
Having successfully completed this module, you will be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of:
- The components of and laws governing ac circuit theory
- The components of and laws governing dc circuit theory
- The theory of logic circuits and electronic devices
Circuit Theory
- Electric current, potential difference, EMF’s, resistors, ohms law, power
- Circuits with one EMF - Kirchhoff’s laws, resistors in series and parallel, potential dividers, internal resistance of batteries
- Measuring current and potential difference – digital multimeters and other tools
- Measuring resistance a) by measuring V and I, and b) with a Wheatstone Bridge
- Multi-loop networks with more than one EMF – branch and loop currents, generating and solving simultaneous equations by applying Kirchhoff’s voltage law. Superposition.
- Capacitors as circuit elements, energy stored in a capacitor, series and parallel connection.
- Inductors as circuit elements – basic construction and electrical properties, energy stored in an inductor.
- Transient response (Charge and discharge) of capacitors. Step and pulse response of C-R circuits
- Transient response of R-L.
- Kirchhoff’s laws applied to Bridge circuits
- Circuit simplification by utilising Thevenin’s theorem
- Introduction– analogue and digital electronic systems
- Examples of digital electronics (switching and control systems, computers, digital signal processing)
- Combinational logic circuits –one and two input gates, Boolean algebra, deMorgan's law.
- Analysis and design of combinational logic circuits, simplification using Karnaugh maps. Circuits with NAND gates only.
- Examples of Combinational and Sequential logic circuits
- Properties of operational amplifiers
- Op-amps with negative feedback – inverting and non-inverting amplifiers, voltage follower, inverting summing amplifier, difference amplifier, differentiator and integrator
AC Circuit Theory
- AC voltage sources, amplitude and phase of voltage across R L and C driven by an AC current source. RMS values
- AC networks – phasors and their application (high and low pass filters)
Discrete Devices
- Diodes and Transistors – diode rectifier, zener diode, the transistor amplifier, the transistor as a switch
Learning and Teaching
Teaching and learning methods
Learning activities include
- Individual work on examples, supported by tutorial/workshop sessions/e-learning
- Elements of the coursework module GENG0015 may support your learning in this module.
Teaching methods include
- Lectures, supported by example sheets.
- Tutorials/Workshops
- Notes and other learning resources available through Blackboard
Type | Hours |
Lecture | 48 |
Preparation for scheduled sessions | 20 |
Revision | 16 |
Follow-up work | 20 |
Tutorial | 48 |
Completion of assessment task | 2 |
Total study time | 154 |
Resources & Reading list
General Resources
Any A level physics text. e.g. A Level Physics, Muncaster, Nelson Thornes, 4th edition, 1993, ISBN 0748715843, Hartley Library Classification QC 21 MUN
Robert L. Boylestad (2016). Introductory Circuit Analysis.
Earl D. Gates (2007). Introduction to Electronics.
Edward Hughes, John Hiley, Ian McKenzie-Smith (2016). Hughes Electrical and Electronic Technology.
Neil Storey (2017). Electronics: A Systems Approach.
Assessment strategy
External repeat students will have marks carried forward from the previous year for tests (5%), and therefore exam will contribute 95% of total assessment.
This is how we’ll formally assess what you have learned in this module.
Method | Percentage contribution |
Final Assessment | 100% |
This is how we’ll assess you if you don’t meet the criteria to pass this module.
Method | Percentage contribution |
Set Task | 100% |
Repeat Information
Repeat type: Internal & External