Courses / Modules / GGES3004 Individual Project

Individual Project

When you'll study it
Whole Academic Year
CATS points
ECTS points
Level 6
Module lead
Rebecca Collins
Academic year

Module overview

The Individual Project is a learning experience that enables you to carry out research and bring together many of the concepts that you have learnt over the first two years of the course as well as the knowledge and skills learnt during part III.

You will conduct your project through careful planning, research and execution of the tasks whilst developing critical judgement, communication skills and competence in your subject area. The work from this project will provide you with the opportunity to produce information or results which can be of immediate value. Further details are provided in the Individual Project Student Guidance, which is available on Blackboard. This guidance may be updated from ime to time, and includes information generally on how to plan the project, and on milestones, important dates, and deliverables.