Introductory lecture
This 1 hour lecture will introduce the students to the basics of computer science relevant to remote sensing. Areas covered include data storage, algorithms, data types and variables, program control structures and the IDL/ENVI software environment.
Practical classes – 3 hours each
1&2) Introduction to IDL/ENVI
These practical sessions will introduce the students to the IDL and ENVI environments. The basic foundations of scientific computing will be covered including variable arithmetic, arrays and vectors, IDL indices, conditional statements and flow control. The second lecture will cover program and function development.
3&4) Reading and writing data
These sessions will explore different methods of reading and writing both ascii and binary data using IDL. The second session will examine the IDL functions for reading common data formats found in remote sensing (such as hdf and geoTIFF) and GIS (shape files).
5 & 6 ) Data visualisation
These practical sessions will examine different methods of visualising data. These include plotting the data in the form of a graphs and maps programmatically and using IDL iTools. This session will also leverage off the previous session and extract information from image data for display.
7 and 8) Image processing techniques
The session will cover computational aspects of image processing within IDL. Areas covered include retrieving image statistics, performing image arithmetic, data manipulation (such as masking, value location, sorting, interpolation)
9 and 10) String processing
The session will examine processing string data and how it can be used in program control such as loops and searching for files and directories.
11) Help Session
This is a help session for any questions regarding the assignment