Courses / Modules / HIST1207 History Matters (Object, Image, Text)

History Matters (Object, Image, Text)

When you'll study it
Semester 2
CATS points
ECTS points
Level 4
Module lead
Peter Clarke
Academic year

Module overview

History is not just about studying written documents and sources; historians examine the ‘stuff’ of history, including objects, images, and buildings which were made and used by people in the past. We can also ‘read’ these sources, if we know how to approach them. Focusing particularly on non-written sources, this module invites you to think more about visual and material sources, such as buildings, paintings, clothing, and digitised sources, as well as the impact and significance of how historians interact with these. Thinking about how the digital age has changed our approach to, and use of, sources, you will have the opportunity to engage with our Digital Humanities Hub, which provides access to ground-breaking technologies such as ArcGIS, digital scanning, and 3D imaging and printing.