Courses / Modules / HIST2076 The First British Empire: the beginnings of English dominance, 1050-1300

The First British Empire: the beginnings of English dominance, 1050-1300

When you'll study it
Semester 1
CATS points
ECTS points
Level 5
Module lead
Nicholas Karn
Academic year

Module overview

By the middle of the eleventh century, the various nations of the British Isles were characterised by quite distinct cultures and political and economic systems and elites. Yet the relationships between the various nations were entirely redrawn between about 1090 and the 1170s, as the Norman political elite of England came to control each of them in turn. In Wales, Norman barons progressively took over Welsh territory in as a kind of private-enterprise expansion; in Ireland, private military interventions by the Norman elite from 1169 culminated in takeover by the king of England; in Scotland, Norman baronial involvement led to the remodelling of the kingdom and its takeover by Norman interests largely outside the ambit of the kings of England. Though the details varied considerably, the overall effect was that all parts of the British Isles came to be ruled by members of the same elite. The establishment of English-based domination of the British Isles remains central to British politics and culture.