Courses / Modules / LAWS3097 Globalisation and Law

Globalisation and Law

When you'll study it
Semester 1
CATS points
ECTS points
Level 6
Module lead
Emily Reid
Academic year

Module overview

'Globalisation' encapsulates the developing inter-connectedness of markets and economic systems, driven by trade liberalisation. Yet, alongside this drive towards trade liberalisation, the international community has committed itself to a diverse range of objectives, including environmental and social, exemplified by the commitment to sustainable development. These objectives are established and pursued by different actors through separate (specialist) regimes. Thus while the World Trade Organisation regulates international trade at multilateral level, alongside this trade regime are numerous regional and multilateral commitments relating to, for example, environmental protection, climate change, to labour standards, to and human rights.

This module, 'Globalisation and Law', is concerned with the challenges posed to democracy and accountability arising from the emergence of new and diverse forms of governance, undertaken by a diverse range of actors, responsible for a diverse range of (sometimes conflicting) interests.

To explore, and give substance to these otherwise potentially abstract issues, the module is structured around a case study through which to expose the issues raised, and consider responses to the regulatory challenges posed, by globalisation.