Courses / Modules / MANG6348 Leading Sustainability, Innovation and Change

Leading Sustainability, Innovation and Change

When you'll study it
Semester 2
CATS points
ECTS points
Level 7
Module lead
Robert Angell
Academic year

Module overview

This module acts as a key vehicle for the completion of the taught part of the MBA programme and comprises of teaching based in Southampton and an international study trip which includes a 'live' group consulting project for a local organisation. It comprises of four key themes and skillsets, which are applied to the group consulting project:

  • Sustainability
  • Innovation
  • Leadership and Change
  • Consultancy Skills.

The module includes lectures on these four subjects. But you are also expected to draw upon your previous learning in Stages 1 and 2, in order to maximise your contribution to the group consulting project and to maximise the integrative nature of your learning in this final taught module.

The module requires groups of students to address a given problem for a real ('live') client organisation and work through a process of problem solving applying knowledge and skills in sustainability, innovation, and leadership and change, and utilising consultancy skills to advise the client.

The group projects are carried out for external organisations, including commercial companies, public sector organisations or charities. Projects are carried out in the same way as a conventional consultancy project and are assessed to the same standards, but are supervised by the Module Leader or appointed member of faculty.

The projects form part of the international study trip and students will work with the client organisations during the week abroad, as well as having some initial contact via Skype before the study trip takes place. The group produces a presentation that will be delivered to the client, normally to the senior team on the last day of the study trip. Following or during the presentation clients may question the students on any element of their work and findings. A few weeks after the study trip, the group then submits a final project report assignment based on this project.

Students also have to complete an individual reflective assignment, which focuses on the learning from this module and their personal development at the end of Stage 2 of the MBA.