Courses / Modules / MATH6185 Operational Research and Data Science Case Study 1

Operational Research and Data Science Case Study 1

When you'll study it
CATS points
ECTS points
Level 7
Module lead
Hou-Duo Qi
Academic year

Module overview

This module, alongside a second module Operational Research and Data Science Case Study 2, will form an option in Part II of MSc Operational Research, MSc Operational Research with Finance, and MSc Data and Decision Analytics. Both modules will have 30 CATS points (15 ECTS points).

The new modules together offer a more structured approach to project work, which will benefit a significant part of the student body. While the total available contact time for students is comparable to that of standard projects, it is shared rather than one-to-one. The workload for the case studies is also better spread out over the academic year, with much of the preparation taking place before the summer.

This module (Case Study 1) gives MSc OR/ORF/DDA students the opportunity to conduct and gain experience of an in-depth open-ended OR/Data Science investigation. The main purpose is to develop students’ skills in: identifying, organising, and directing their own work; accessing and using relevant resources, such as library and software resources; applying their OR and/or Data Science knowledge and understanding; and communicating their work, by writing a comprehensive report on the investigation and its outcomes. Case Study 1 is a primary means by which MSc OR/ORF/DDA students demonstrate their capacity for independent learning.

Students will normally undertake Case Study 1 over a six-week period in the early summer (typically, mid-June until end-July). There will normally be a choice of several topics for Case Study 1. Each case study topic will be partially structured, but open ended. Contact will be via a one-hour kickoff meeting with all students in the topic group, followed by a one-hour progress meeting with all students part way through the six-week period. Weekly office hours and computer programming support sessions will also be provided. Assessment will be by means of Case Study 1 report, of 25-30 pages in length, to be submitted at the end of the relevant six-week period. Case Study 1 will act as a stepping stone to Case Study 2.