Courses / Modules / MEDI1034 Medicine in Practice 1

Medicine in Practice 1

When you'll study it
Whole Academic Year
CATS points
ECTS points
Level 4
Module lead
Timothy Patten
Academic year

Module overview

The course gives you an opportunity to meet patients and to learn important clinical skills from your first weeks within the Faculty of Medicine. This is an experience that we find students both value and enjoy.

MiP 1 provides an introduction to clinical medicine and a context for your theoretical learning so that you can see how your learning about body systems and the social sciences applies to the care of patients. Time spent with GP tutors and within GP surgeries will also help you to understand a holistic approach to health care as well as building your communication skills and teaching you about medical history taking and examination.

Plenary sessions will enable you to further develop your skills.

In addition you be offered a hospital experience opportunity in either maternity care ( may include a birth experience) or the Emergency Department.

As part of the Time for Dementia programme students will be supported to undertake community visits to a family living with dementia