Courses / Modules / MEDI2041 Medicine in Practice 2

Medicine in Practice 2

When you'll study it
Whole Academic Year
CATS points
ECTS points
Level 5
Module lead
Deborah Rose
Academic year

Module overview

The MiP2 course builds on the communication and history taking skills introduced in MiP1 ,to further develop and expand the clinical history . The module also teaches the physical examination of all the major systems , using a variety of methods including working with patients , simulated patients , anatomical models and students themselves.


Students spend an afternoon every 3 weeks with a GP tutor, usually in a GP practice and 2 sessions on campus also with a GP facilitator. They are facilitated in small groups by the GP teacher who remains with the same group throughout the year.


Students also spend 3-4 afternoons per year in small groups /one to one with clinical teachers at Southampton General Hospital.

Health Care Support Work

To gain experience of interacting with patients and of working in a multidisciplinary team setting in the hospital, students are placed on wards to work two long shifts as Healthcare Support Workers ( HCSWs) as part of the nursing team. Those with appropriate prior experience in acute NHS environments will be offered the opportunity to facilitate tutorials with their peers instead of undertaking the shifts

Details of these placements will be provided further on Blackboard

To pass the module all End of Placement forms and required submissions must be uploaded by the given deadline on Blackboard. The module also incorpotates a requirement to attend a formative OSCE assessment.